March 3, 2008


...back in the big shitty. people don't say hi much here.

i come to work around 9am and leave about midnight...that's been my routine for the last several days. gotta love those looooong weekends.
i take the sea-bus...the schedule of which takes 3 clicks once you've found the translink website...which '' and '' don't gotta add the "" which is obscure and cheap considering their budget. you'd think they'd spring for the 30 bucks for just the .ca and redirect....but noooo, they decided to build a tunnel under the city instead. but truthfully, i don't really look at the schedule much anyway...i just walk with the hoards and have faith that the matrix will make it happen. i saw a lady in a red dress today. i listened to Gord's The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald while on the sea-bus yesterday to get a true naval experience. that was followed up by bits and pieces of 'gi-jane' in the wee hours...sometimes i wonder if navy seal training is as fun as it looks. the new office is massive...i actually need to plan my water and bathroom excursions...and when at opposite ends, one can hardly recognize the coworker approaching.
there's a cafe a half block away...the 'Edelweiss Cafe'...i get the 'Edel Bagel' every morning. it's run by Joe and Helen. no, they're not swiss...chinese actually.
i'm procrastinating and time is running out for this thing we gotta build this own modern Sword of Damocles.

peace out


dedicated to Erin...