The "seven summits" trail is in Rossland and is worth a visit.
starts with a lot of climbing...
fantastic views...
Klingon conferring with Alice...
Travis and Borg...
Alice coming...
Travis going...
Lunchtime...(they are smiling)...
Travis was the driving hero as we pushed on late at night to get home. As the eyelids began to drop and my brain slowly became mush I remember having a conversation with myself in my head...
me: I'm tired
.......time gone by....
me: Maybe I'll make myself look awake so I just appear non-talkative and not just a deadbeat passenger. (sit up 'straight')
.......time gone by....
me: I need to come up with some engaging conversation...
.......time gone by....
me: Maybe we can play a game....come up with words that start with the letter "a", that's stupid
.......time gone by....
me: I wonder if Travis is falling asleep.
...then a bunny rabbit darted out...
Travis: "A rabbit just crossed the highway...I hope I didn't hit him!"
Me: "No, I don't think you hit him." Like I would know...but it was an opening to make myself appear awake.
.....some more time....
finally, some stimulating conversation came to mind...
Me: "I guess I'll have to give the bike a good cleaning."
..a little time gone by...
Travis: "Yup."
That was about it.