November 16, 2007

techies...gotta love them

So one of the servers that I deal with appears pretty slow I send an email:

Hey guys,
Is there something funny going on with the server? Or network?
It just seems really slow today.

In reply, I get...

"Here is a cpu chart for the past day. Looks like there was a spike from 7-8 am this morning."

I had to chuckle. It's sort of like asking a climatologist "why is the weather bad" and them sending you a picture of the sky and saying "at 9am this morning the clouds were really dark."


Albinoblackbear said...

I know I hate it when the CPU chart spikes first thing in the morning before I've had my coffee.....friggen CPU...frig.

debandpete said...

Your server is running slow. As I've been told before, "blogging is a verb". get on it.