October 3, 2007


here's a little diddy that attempts to illustrate my recent experience with a new internet connection. I thought I knew something about computers and stuff...I guess not. At one point I remember whipping out my knife and stabbing the boxes that the modem came in while on the floor cursing. Erin looked over from behind the counter and calmly asked if what I was experiencing was hormonal and if I needed anything from her that would make me feel better.


Nature Nerd said...

These are genius.
The middle one captures my feelings about telus best. Thank you for creating these so I can feel slightly better next time I have to call their "customer service".

Ryan said...

ramblings of a melatonin addicted psychopath.

Albinoblackbear said...

i love iloveoil.

Henkka said...

so the new knife works well? ;-)

Ryan said...

Hey, got guns yet?